Hey friends! Our lab is buzzing with activity again and we can’t wait to tell you all about what we’re working on. If you’ve been following us for a while, you know that we develop our products with great care and attention. Each product goes through an intensive process of 1 to 2 years before it ends up in your bathroom. We test , refine and retest , because only the best is good enough for your hair and scalp.
So... grab a cup of tea, make yourself comfortable and read along to find out what we have in store for you!
February 18, 2025 - 2 min reading time
The synergies are ready
After much testing and feedback, we have chosen 3 synergies that target different scalp concerns. These beauties will help with dry scalp (dandruff and/or itching), oily scalp (with more thick oily flakes and excess sebum) and hair loss. The labels for our clay pots are also ready, and we have given the clay a new nickname: Detox Sidekick . Even though Purifying Partner won our poll, Detox Sidekick still felt like the perfect name! But don't worry, the name Purifying Partner has also been used for one of our synergies.
New odorless version of our award-nominated Oil
Our award-winning oil is already a hit, but we wanted to make it accessible to everyone. So... we're releasing an unscented version ! No essential oils, but all the nourishing properties are preserved. This unscented oil is perfect for those with sensitive skin , and you can also mix it with our new synergies . Win-win!
Our Strong Hold Gel and the nourishing hair mask
We know it sometimes takes a long time before we launch a new product, but that's because we really want to do it right. Our Strong Hold Gel has been in testing for over a year and a half . But our formula is almost there. It's time for the final decisive test... Quirina is now going to test it in the salon on different hair types. Do you hope that version 47 is the formula? If all goes well, we might launch it sooner than expected!
Also our deep nourishing hair mask, which we have been working on for over 1.5 years, is getting closer to the perfect formula. The new samples are on their way to our home ! Exciting.
Prebiotic Shampoo for sensitive skin
Quirina and Marion are both sensitive to certain ingredients. And we all know what they say, like attracts like . 😉 We have many customers with sensitive scalps , and we want to offer solutions for them too. That's why we are working on a prebiotic shampoo , especially for sensitive scalps. No essential oils, but a mix of new mild cleansers that thoroughly cleanse the scalp without irritation.
The search for the perfect towel
Man oh man, if there's one thing we want to throw in the towel (pun intended😜), it's this. The search is excruciating . We absolutely don't want to use microfiber because of the microplastics, but finding a good , reliable supplier for other materials is hard . But hey, we're not giving up! We'll keep looking for the best sustainable options .
Protecting your texture at night
Many of you ask us how to best protect your texture at night , and guess what... we have a solution! We are currently testing the pillowcases and matching accessories . We have found the perfect bamboo fabric that is sustainable and animal friendly . Yes, you read that right, not satin or silk , but bamboo. We will tell you more about this later, because that is a blog post in itself.
And further…
There are a number of other tools and product ideas in the making , we are still in the early stages here, so we'll save this fun info for a next blog!
We are excited for all that is to come and can’t wait to share these products with you. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on the latest developments!
See you soon! 💚
The Mellon Team
1 comment
wat een leuk nieuws om hier te lezen, ik ben vooral zeer benieuwd naar de oplossingen die jullie aan het uittesten zijn voor de bescherming van textuur ’s nachts, want hier verlies ik zelf heel wat van mijn krullen. De truc met losse staart op je hoofd als palmboom dat werkt niet voor mij, die ben ik al kwijt na een uurtje ofzo